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星期一, 十二月 29, 2008


之前为魔棋忙着莞倩的签名会,而由于这项活动在同时间进行,所以之前的初赛等都没有参与.在此我要感谢Heng Yee 的帮助,替我分担Joanne那几次的工作当工作人员。这次的总决赛,托美女Joanne的福,也来帮帮忙咯!这回要感谢嘉嘉愿意与我同行,让你无聊了!谢谢你哦!



***sop sop sop***泪落满脸-ing***

星期六, 十二月 27, 2008


圣诞节,对我而言就只是一个公共假期.从懂事以来,不管是圣诞前夕还是圣诞节当天,都是我家大扫除的日子.还记得几年前,圣诞节前夕是与一位久违朋友相见的日子.可惜,他失约了.另一个呢,是因为必须在家大扫除令我不能赴圣诞节之约,但当晚取而代之却是一个甜蜜的回忆,也是我难以取舍的感动回忆. 哎, 怎么这种日子就是特别容易令人感慨呢?

今年的圣诞节,与往常不一样.打破圣诞节不出街的前例,今年与我的姐妹们一起度过.嘉嘉还特别吩咐我们要打扮得漂漂亮亮拍照留念.圣诞节到处都布置得美轮美奂,充满了温暖唯美的感觉.我们到THE CURVE 度过这美好的一天。活动嘛!都是免不了的逛逛街,看看戏,享受午餐。


我们在气氛相当好的ITALIANESE吃午餐。一个FRIED CALAMARI开胃餐,CLASSIC CARBONARA 和 GARLIC CHICKEN PIZZA作为主餐,CREAME BRULEE 作为甜点。少不了的当然还有我最爱的LIME MARGARITA咯!我们4个呢,也在午餐之后来交换礼物。幸运的是,每个人都对自己拿到的礼物充满喜爱哦!


电影之后,已经是7时多了。夜色还早,我们便到KUCHAI LAMA的回音石续摊。就在那里,喝杯饮料,听听歌,哼哼歌呢~~还被驻唱歌手酸耶!丢脸~~




星期二, 十二月 23, 2008

超超超__ __的话语






除了岛民以外,还有两个美女呵喜欢用-“几”...........“一下咯”。 例如:

还有还有啊!还有一个“Delde”, 代表心情掉落谷底的意思。是我辩论组的战友们常用的哦!

其实还有蛮多的,不过没有心情到~~ =p


星期五, 十二月 19, 2008

After Exam






星期二, 十二月 09, 2008

During Exam


1 paper finish
another 1 to go

~~~hate books already~~~

I miss all the outings with my friends
I miss my dramas
I miss my bed

Wait for Me ya!

~~~After tomorrow will be FREE le~~

My Girls Gang, My Debate Leng Lui, My Isolated Island Members,
My Handsome /Pretty Friends




But Please
After Tomorrow Ya


Before Exam

Study week does not make me feel to study. Tomorrow is the exam day and still I spent my precious study week to hang out with my friends for birthday celebration, go for warehouse sales to see any cheap things to grab, go to Bobbi Brown party to get door gifts, watch drama that I downloaded, online to play facebook and read comics. Reading only took 2-3 hours in a day of mine.

Compare to previous semester, this is the most relaxing semester which only 2 subjects to study and yet nothing much to study except the LAN paper moral. Moreover, these 2 papers are on the early of the exam week which less time to revise, more time for holiday. I am still planning on what I should do during this 3-4 weeks time.

I plan to have a trip, maybe alone or with anyone of my friends. Overseas travelling sounds interesting especially after Gia shared her experiences during the trip to Hong Kong, Macau, GuangZhou, and ShenZhen. However, money is another issue which I have to consider since I have not much left in my bank accounts for this month. Travel within Malaysia is enough for me, but I have not made up any idea where to go. Sigh

Maybe I should look for part time job, as what other of my classmates do. But I was asked to help for a few events from Mainstream Music, even though those are FOC, because my main concern is to gain experiences. I could not fix any of my time for part time, maybe freelance? It still depends on my interest on that job.

I hate myself for being so undecided in so many issues in my life. Life goes on and time will not wait for me. Still have to figure out and plan for my last year in university.

Have an “enjoyable” moment during exam weeks and enjoy the relaxing moment during the only 1 month holiday. Cheers!

星期四, 十二月 04, 2008

Being Not-Me

Life won’t be prefect unless you think it is. I was in an extremely high mood after came back from Richie Ren’s Love and Beloved 2008 Concert in Genting Highlands. Almost everyone around me knew that as I was non-stop promoting him and show-off what I had had experienced on that day. For some reasons, some might felt it was a bit of annoying. However, compare to those people out there who show-off their experiences with their beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, I think my experiences with Richie Ren are more precious and memorable.

No time to waste after the concert. Again I back to those days without day and night. This time I was getting more serious which I did not sleep for 2 days. 2 subjects in 7 weeks – everyone thought it was a relaxing semester. Actually it is tougher than what we thought. Luckily my part time jobs were only once or twice during weekend, which took only 3 hours. If not, who will take the blame on not finishing the work on time?

Thanks to the advices from some of my closest friends and my parents. I am learning not to angry on those people who do not act as what they said. Even if you are angry, it is nothing to do with them as they won’t care. Guess what? You fall sick (as what I am NOW) and being unhappy. You got what you did!

I am lucky to have the things I want. I have my parentS who love and pamper me. I have friendS that support and share my joy. I have shoulderS to let me lie on and listen to me. I have dreamS to achieve in my future. Yes, I am showing-off to let those people out there who hate me, talk bad about me, envy me, dislike me or have any negative feelings towards me. I purposely to put the S in Caps – I believe you know what the S mean in grammar.

You think you know everything, but actually you are not! You think you are always right, but you do not even know the mistakes you have done. You hate people for some reason, but you do not know how you portrait yourself in front of others.


Ish, again I have to remind myself not to angry. Sorry I am still learning and sorry for being so annoying. =p

星期五, 十一月 28, 2008

任贤齐2008年云顶演唱会 ^^





我想我不需形容我多么的享受那场演唱会-之前那一篇已经足够形容了我一切一切的感受。齐哥是一位很好很好的艺人,只要有献花的他都会以拥抱作为答谢,我当然也不例外。记得我刚开始想一马当先第一个献花,怎知后来一堆人冲前去,让我有点胆怯。过后看到没有人了才慢条斯理走到台前,慢慢靠近舞台。台上的齐哥,离我好近好近 - 看着他,眼里就只有他,看到他的表情那么真实,好开心哦!我想,他是认得我的 – 因为我带着有他签名的帽子。他看着我的表情,似乎是说:“我不是不要你们花钱吗?怎么还有花啊?这么不听话哦?”哈哈哈,不管咯!齐哥还是走下台,接过那束花,给我一个拥抱。抱着他,很幸福,可以感觉到他的拥抱,感觉到他的嘴在唱歌,感觉到他真实的人-我无言了,是幸福的说不出话了。



P/S : 谢谢Johnny的演唱会海报~~~ 谢谢替我拍照的人~~~谢谢大马小齐家族所有成员~~

星期日, 十一月 09, 2008











星期六, 十一月 08, 2008



听见他的声音,我会笑。知道他的消息,我会很兴奋。知道他要来了,我会迫不及待。不管浪费多少时间,对他,我都义无反顾。爸妈说我太傻了,朋友说我白痴 。真的,我不介意当傻瓜,不介意当白痴 – 因为是他。




星期日, 十一月 02, 2008




应该是进不了政府大学的那一刻吧!有点心碎,有点幻灭 - 梦想进入理大的梦破碎了!碎的,不只是自己的梦想与憧憬,也是父母的期望,还有一直以来的坚持。更久的,应该是心疼自己放弃了曾经心爱的他,责备自己和后悔自己的所作所为伤害了他。


星期日, 十月 12, 2008

Untitled Story 2

Less than 12 hours, I'll be back to campus again to continue study. Wow! It has been such a long time since my last day step into UTAR for exam. Time flies and again I'm back to the daily routine that I used to it. Ya, I miss that so much!
Yesterday I came back from Langkawi, again I overspent on the things that I love so much - Chocolate and Cocktails! Before I start my blog on Langkawi Trip (have to collect all the photos from others) Here are some photos of my favourites.
Cocktails By Jenn

Welcome to Langkawi

Waterfall - Serenity

Sky or Sea?

Unlimited Power You can Reach

No more money to spend for the following semester. Better save money now!

星期五, 九月 26, 2008

Untitled Story 1

I thought I am always realistic, I live in reality. I guess I was wrong, I still keep myself in my own dream which so-called reality of my own. I keep on telling myself not to dream things that are impossible. But why am I still putting hope on that?

I am talking nonsense again.

HIMONO ONNA, a new Japanese term which describe exactly who I am. There might be a slightly different, but I have the major characteristics that apply to this group. Hopeless I should say because I am the kind of people who are very stubborn and refuse to change. I guess I will not get rid of myself for being himono onna.

Yes, I know I am hopeless

There are only another few days for me to be in Bridges as intern. 5 months, almost half of the year being here and get used to the environment I might have for my future. Again I ask myself, am I suitable to carry myself as a PR practitioner after 1 year? As what my friends in local university worrying, especially those who graduate next year, what are we going to do after graduate? Working or continue studying? Again we are in dilemma.

I will have my so-called 1 week holiday sooner and later. Can I just stay inside my room, lay down, think and do nothing?

星期二, 九月 02, 2008

Especially For You

First and Foremost, I would like to thank many friends of mine who wish me during my birthday as well as having the birthday celebration marathon for me. Too much things I would like to tell you all and it is hard for me to express it with words. Still, I wish that my readers would know, how much I appreciate all your efforts on this special day of mine – Love, Care, and Happiness I have all this time.

Dear Wen Bin,

Thanks to be with me all the time when I faced that unexpected moment. I knew your effort, to choose the present which meant so much for me. Do not blame yourself on what had happen because you are the one who hurt the most in this incident. I love you as my sis, someone precious for me. You know me well, and we have seen each other changes from time to time. We experienced so many ups-and-downs, happiness and sadness and still we are together, and I really hope, we will be together forever.

Dear Yuen,

Thanks for your love and care all this time. We knew each other since primary but the time when we get closer to each other was when we were after Form 5. I feel sorry to you for the decision I made and I knew it hurts you. You are the one I rely on when I was bored and sad. I still remember how we tease each other, having so many jokes and shared all those sweet memories we have with Wen Bin. Honestly, I really appreciate someone like you, who willing to be with me. Sorry for being selfish that I wish to keep our relationship as what we have now and forgive me for choosing not to move forward as what you hope for.

Dear Sis Venus,

We knew each other since we were young, or I should say the time you came to this world, is almost the time when I have my first heartbeat. We are so closed together even until now. Uncountable memories that we had shared - the first makeup we had, the first duet we had, the time when the school holiday started, the time when we sing k together, the time we had our parapara dance, the time when we cried, the time we move forward to our own dreams. I am glad to see you have someone who truly loves you, who willing to walk down the aisle and share the rest of his life with you. I knew what you have experienced and I knew what you truly need. And now you found it and grab it tightly in your hands. All the bad things will go, and rainbow comes after the rain. No matter what happen, we are always bind to each other-not only the blood that we have, but the heart that love and care each other.

Dear gangs (Ros, Gia, Chris, Elaine, June, May, Fish,Esther, Sim Yee)

All this time, we still together even though we are far apart. Hardly for me to describe, how grateful am I to have you all as my companions, my true friends. It is not easy to have a lasting friendship. All the changes we have, all the happiness and sadness that we share, all of these binds us together and make the bond getting stronger. When I need you all, you’ll be there. You are a part of my life, the person that I could not live without after my family. No one could understand me more than you did because you have seen me grow up as what I am, help me through with most of the circumstances. I have you all every of my birthday celebration, not only the presents that I always bring along, but the hearts that be with me all the time.

Dear angels (Cam, Yee Mun, and Shuang)

Besides my gang, you are the person that I love and pamper. I am meant to be your guardian angel, who always prays for your happiness. I am happy to know that you are a leading a sweet moment in your life and do remember I will always be with you when you need me. When you need a shoulder to rely, I am here. When you need ears to listen to you, I am here. When you need someone to company you, I am here. I remember the time you cried, which really hurt me deeply. So promise me, be strong and happy. Your smile and happiness are always my best medicine to cheer up my days.

Dear I2 members (Heng Yee, Sharon, Felicia, Siak Wei, Johnny)

Even though we knew each other for only a year, fate brings us together. We are from different background and states, but we share a common thing that binds us together. It is not easy to find a friend, in a place which is competitive. I am lucky to have not only one, but five of you to share the rest of my university life together. No matter what will happen in the future, I truly hope that we will still be with each other, to build up a strong team, to create the dreams of our own, and to achieve the success that waiting for us.

Dear T2 members,

Thanks for being my classmate and a part of my sweet memories for my university life. Thanks to all of you who have such a warm heart that brighten up my life and make me proud of. Thanks to May, the class-rep that always helpful and responsible. Thanks to Freda, Phine and Herng who accept me as a team member when the time I was almost giving up myself. You lend me your hand, you give me your trust, and you bring back my hope to be with you all again.

Dear Debate Teammates,

Sorry for making you all disappointed and thank you for letting me to be with you even though it was only a short period. Thanks for teaching me the knowledge and the beauty for the art of debate. Thanks for telling me the importance of the teamwork. Thanks for showing me your forgiveness on my attitude and weakness. Thanks to Lemon, Iris, and Sze Won for being my sisters and accept me as a part of the family. Thanks for all the seniors that put so much efforts to make me grow. Thanks to make me feel belonging when I was helpless.

Dear Fai,

Thanks for being the person that make me learn and think. All the things that you have taught and helped me all this moment meant so much in my life. Thanks for the happiness and memories that you gave me which I will always appreciate and keep it in my heart. Thanks for the smiles that cheers me up when I was down. Thanks for the advices that make me grow and be tough. Thanks for being the person who were so special for me. Thanks for still being my friend.

Dear Alan,

Thanks for the surprises and care that you gave me during my worst moments. Thanks for the calls and messages that brighten my days and bring back my smile. Thanks for promises and cheers that cure my wound. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to know someone like you who brings me dreams and cares. You make me smile every time I received your calls in the late night. You make me miss the time which I feel someone need my care. I truly wish that someday we will meet again; someday you will remember me again.

Dear Yumi, Mei Yi, Leonard Dai Lou, Poh Yee, Keat Lim, Hui Chien, Daddy Zi Lie, Janeto San, Kah Woi, Kin Mun Gor Gor, Wai Quan Jie Jie, Leng Zai Wye Kitt, Yew Ren, Yoke Ling, Khim Chew, Dorothy, Wai Leong, Qiao Ying, Sue Li, Alexander, Liang Chuen, Shu Lim, Lai Teng and all those who called, sms, sent message through Friendster and Facebook to wish me Happy Birthday.

Thanks for remembering my birthday and still remember me even though we have been lost contact for a long time. Thanks for giving me the feeling of belonging. I wouldn’t be what I am now without you all.

***I will not wish for more, I wish to keep what I already have now – my family and my friends. I am lucky enough to have the family who love and pamper me. I am lucky enough to have friends that support me. I am lucky enough to have colleagues that are helpful and role models for my future career. I am lucky enough to have all of these***