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星期四, 七月 30, 2009

Take A Break

This friday will be another due date for comm tech assignment. I believe my team members are working very very hard at this moment to finish up the assignment. I am too! But just wanna take a short break after looking at all the statistics and graphs, nevertheless, express my feeling.

Had an early class this morning with Ms Pauline and a bit frustrated with facilities in UTAR. Ya, we all knew about it. Suddenly I miss PC block a lot whereby i could change and talk to the staff about the malfunctions of the microphone. However, PD seems like worse than PC. I do not want to comment more about this. It's just pity to see lecturers have to repeat and repeat their lecture again, due to the microphone, sound systems and even the electricity in the hall.

After 1st lecture, I had a short meeting with my campaign members, to update them on the campaign matter. I tried to make it simple and fast, cause I do not want to waste anytime for them to listen to me talking something they might not interested in. Ya, maybe I've been repeat oevr and over again.

After that, asked Shane and Felicia to join me for lunch at Libre. Unfortunately, Felicia was not available, Freda and Phine were not attending the early lecture. So only Shane was invited for lunch with discount RM5 + discount for transportation to home. Ya, I just wanna promote how delicious the spicy seafood spaghetti I had with fair price that really full.

On the way back to campus, snap a few pictures on the sky that I felt so relax to look at. Such a clear view made me feel like want to go to seaside and relax awhile. Too tension I guess~~

Sky with No Cloud. Pure Blue

I Love This One. Cloud and Sun

My cousin is moving back to Alor Setar. Haih, I gonna miss him then~~ Tomorrow need to help him with his stuff. Ok, should back to assignment now, even though I don't plan to sleep tonight, it's better to finish it ASAP.

星期日, 七月 26, 2009

R.I.P Yasmin Ahmad

This year is really a bad year.
Not only for myself, but Malaysia as well.
Another star has fallen

Yasmin Ahmad

I am not a broadcasting student.
But as a Mass Comm Student
Her advertisements are so well-known

The one that I remember the most is

Tan Hong Ming In Love

and I did blog on this adv last year

(click to see the blog and adv)

Every year I am looking forward to the advs by her
This year as well
I'm wondering how Petronas Advs will be
for this coming Merdeka month

R.I.P Yasmin Ahmad

星期一, 七月 20, 2009

Someone is BACK

I've been waiting for this particular person for quite sometime. He have to leave his position, to equip himself to be a better person. No doubt that someone has been over taken his position in my heart, however, I still reserve some space for him.

Please Welcome


Went for his concert few years, excited of course (However, Richie Ren is still the best) His concert emphasized on music performance, his music works. Some felt that it was not worth because it would be better to buy his CD than listen in Live. Well, it is different! Think if someone sing to you, face to face than you listen to the recording. The feelings are different~~~

His album will be out soon~~ It means that I need to reserve my money for his album already~~~

星期五, 七月 17, 2009


经过3次不满的发泄后,才发觉我的身体状况真的会随着心情而改变。在人生当中必会有起有落, 心情也一样.虽然我不是善变的双子座,但或许大部分的姐妹都是双子,近朱者赤,心情也变得很善变。


这个月中很疯狂的花钱在吃,电影,还债.不管是最爱的寿司,还是Spicy Seafood Spagetti,或是鸡尾酒,都满足不了我悲观的心情。还债只会让人更为消沉,更不用说调剂心情咯!唯一有少少作用的就只有电影了!就如我所说的,只有少少作用罢了。



Public Enemies

Harry Potter


Public Enemies是因为纯粹有我最爱的Johnny Depp。不管什么角色都可以演得这么有型的他,就算是坏人也会疯狂的爱上他的。报章说这部戏有美化劫匪的因素,不可否认,任谁看这部电影都站在主角Johnny的那一方。然而谁可以判断坏人都是坏的,好人都是好的呢?看这部电影的感觉是,不管你做了什么,都要付出一定的代价。尽管Christian Bale饰演的警官应该是一个好人,但为什么最后的他要选择自尽呢?那位身为警官的“肥佬 ”,为了查出Johnny的下落而殴打Johnny的女人,是对的吗?

最最最最令我失望的莫过于Harry Potter了!看过原著的人,只会厌恶这部电影。因为精髓完完全全不见了!我不是不了解电影不可能像原著一样放映着所有的情节,但是这部电影知识很纯粹的带过这个故事。混血王子是谁?查都没有查!Hermione和Ron的感情发展?好像是Hermione的一厢情愿!Ginny和Harry接吻不是在两个人的情况下发生的,而是在赢了Quidditch的庆祝会上! 过分到~~~与其草草了事不如分上下两集更好!不过我蛮喜欢这集的Draco。

今天已经是这个星期第3次逃课了,心里却没有任何的内疚。真为这样的自己感到悲哀~~明天是金鱼的毕业典礼了~~终于到了这一刻!我和婷到茨场街购买礼物,为了公平起见,连其他好朋友包括自己的毕业礼物一起买了。好久好久没有逛那里了。想当时中学的时候需要每天都必经的繁忙街道,很多都不一样了。 就好像以前的我,渐渐不见了。回首之前几篇的部落格,我真的消沉很多了。真的,需要振作了。希望心情也会转换一下了。

星期二, 七月 07, 2009

Shout Out 3








