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星期一, 五月 26, 2008


Currently, I'm in office. Ya i am under my internship now at Bridegs PR and Events. Today is the first day for our new semester. Miss the time whereby we meet our friends and share what we have experienced during our holiday. However it does not happen to me and my coursemates.

I miss the time in campus, knowing our new lecturers and prepare for assignment and everything, rather than working. Some do enjoy they internship and i hope i will. I am having great time and learning a lot from here. But the problem is, I don't even have a break after my exam finished, and still my internship period will be about 4 months.(Hopefully it wouldn't be extended)

The last two weeks i'm getting used to the life in here. Learning and Practising. But i don't know why am i so tiring today. It is due to the cocktail i had yesterday at TGI? Shouldn't be cause it is not my first for having magarita. Maybe i am lack of sleep? (But according to my mom i slept quite early around 10-10.30)

I am sleepy but still have many things to be done. Help again..

星期一, 五月 12, 2008




今天是实习的第一天,感觉上是蛮累的。上个星期五才刚刚考完最后一张考卷,星期六乖乖呆在家里,星期日和CHEESE逛街看戏吃寿司,星期一为了开工美美的而去弄直头发,星期二为傻婆sharon庆祝生日和我的岛民们去ONE UTAMA 的 SHOGUN吃自助日本餐。看起来我的生活还蛮多姿多彩的不是吗?

对于这次的考试,压力有些大。除了来自本身的因素,最重要的还是因为外来的因素的影响。似乎,我什么都会;也觉得,完全一窍不通。奇怪的是,我根本没有紧张的心情,反而还非常轻松的去面对每一课。或许,是因为在RHINO MAXX唯一学到的一句话-DO NOT TRY YOUR BEST, YOU NEED TO DO YOUR BEST.已经尽力了,我觉得我已发挥我应该发挥的,那其他的就是你的命,你的运了。

回想起来,时间还过得真快!我们已经踏入实习的时候了。之前为了实习的事,烦恼很多。一直想往艺术等演艺那方面跑去,但最终我还是放弃了跑EVENT,而跑去PR FIRM那方面了。此时的我,到底要的是什么呢?

第一天上班,就有意想不到的收获了。一早就与上司同事往LimKokWing University去,做一个SHU UEMURA与该大学合作的一个包装设计比赛,还有机会见见最大的美容等时尚化妆品-L’oreal 的PR MANAGER会面,还请我们吃午餐呢!该说我幸运吗?回到公司后,学长学姐交待我这几个月必须接触的工作,我想这几个月,除了忙碌还是忙碌吧!不是真合我意吗?
