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星期二, 六月 30, 2009

Shout Out 2

Hate to online these days, but it has become a part and parcel of my life. Simply just cant get rid of it- addicted in another word to say. Check on email, facebook and blog becomes my habit. And I still hate to face this virtual world without any reason.

I am exhausted but don't feel like want to sleep when everyone is in their dreamland. Many things bother me and I really have the feeling that this is not a good year for me. So many things that I wanted to shout out but I failed.

So many books that I have to read but I don't have the motivation and strength to push me forward. So many things that I have to solve but I could not manage it well.

I knew I'm lost

1 条评论:

housemate 说...

take the challenge is very difficult, but once u overcome it. you are satisfied and you grow ^^

Whenever you are feeling stress, can just ask me and lemon and iris(if she is not travelling haha)
to come out , have a chat, movie, bowling...

watever la...


The best ethic is treat ppl but not hoping for any reply. but if you think that it is wasted. Then don't do it ^^ Unless you urself are happy with doing it..